
A One Minute and Thirty-Eight Second Overview of Quantified Simulator


Transforming Sales Training: How Novartis Leveraged Simulation Technology for Onboarding Success

Revolutionize Training Webinar Intro: Tech Showcase 9.9.24 on demand

Revolutionize Training with AI-Driven Role Play with Russ Somers.                     

Accelerating Training with AI - Insights and Results- Qauntified

Accelerating Training with AI: Insights & Results from Life Sciences Leaders


Sales Training Redefined with AI

September 13, 2024

Learn how AI is revolutionizing sales training and enablement. From AI-driven onboarding to realistic role play scenarios, this guide explores how AI tools accelerate training, personalize learning, and improve overall sales performance. See real-world examples of companies that have transformed their sales training using AI-powered solutions like

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Top 10 Sales Role Play Scenarios to Keep Your Team Sales-Ready

August 30, 2024

Role-playing is crucial for developing effective sales strategies and handling objections. This article explores 10 essential sales role-play scenarios designed to help your team navigate complex sales situations with confidence. Whether you’re focusing on overcoming objections or closing deals, these scenarios will ensure your sales reps are always prepared.

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Videos, TED Talks, & Podcast

Noah Zandan Listening On Purpose with Timothy Myers

How We Can Use AI to Increase Connection, Build Relationships, & Augment Creativity


How to Speak Like a Visionary


The Language of Lying: How to Spot a Liar

See the Flight Simulator for Sellers: Request a Demo

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