How content optimization can improve your brand language

What is content optimization?

Often, in the age of content marketing, the phrase “content optimization” refers to SEO building—ensuring website content is written such that search engines pick it up before they pick up competitors’ sites.

(Read our recent post for other frequent content optimization myths we run into frequently.)

But when we talk about content optimization, we’re talking about optimizing for different purposes: to ensure brand messaging is interpreted accurately (and positively) by the various audiences the company seeks to influence.

Here are 3 ways content optimization can improve brand messaging:

Identifying your target audience—and speaking directly to them

A corporate communications team is in charge of crafting messages for a wide variety of audiences—from shareholders, to clients and customers, to potential new employees. And it’s critical that each unique audience is addressed with the appropriate language: customers want to hear about the company’s recent innovations, while employees may be seeking inspiring stories about their coworkers’ achievements, and investors want to hear about forward-thinking business strategies. Content optimization can help communications teams ensure their messaging is tailored effectively to each audience.

Ensuring you’re communicating the same message—and in the same voice—across all your content channels

Even though communications teams are responsible for tailoring brand language to unique parties, it’s also important that those disparate messages use a consistent brand voice communicate the same core values to each audience. A corporate communications team can use data-driven content optimization, to efficiently and objectively compare all their messaging, to identify and close gaps in tone and theme. That way, there’s no confusion among audiences as to the company’s core values, goals and initiatives.

Comparing your content to your competitors’ to make sure yours is best in class

No single company’s communications exist in a vacuum, either. Each company’s messaging is designed not only to impart information about the brand, but to distinguish it from its competitors. Here again, data-driven analysis of a brand’s messaging, compared to messaging from industry rivals, can highlight strengths as well as opportunities for improvement. Based on that analysis, corporate communications teams can optimize their content to ensure their brand language is best-in-class.

More on content optimization from Quantified Communications.

To find out how Quantified Communications can help your organization better communicate with your key audiences by optimizing financial, executive, and corporate content, contact us at