Computer with Sales Readiness Tools

Sales Readiness Tools: The Role of AI-Based Training

Sales Readiness Tools for Virtual Sales Interactions Regardless of their industry, sales teams around the world have been forced to transform their sales-readiness programs. In the process, sales managers have found the way they deliver training has become even more pivotal.  The following data from Harvard Business Review (HBR) can be helpful in illustrating current…

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Sales Conversation

Sales Performance Coaching: Communication Is Everything

Sales Performance Coaching: The 80/20 Rule Is Not Enough The secret to ensuring every sales rep exceeds quota every time? Communication. And, for the first time, sales team leaders can measure every aspect of their reps’ skills during sales performance coaching sessions. Then, they use comprehensive data to drive lasting improvement—and measurable increase revenue. You’ve…

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The Future of Leadership Development: Experience Platforms

In the last couple of decades, leadership development has undergone drastic transformation. From the physical universities like GE Crotonville and Accenture St. Charles to virtual, e-learning software platforms to bite-sized MOOCs from platforms like and even YouTube, L&D has been desperately seeking a structure that both fits into employees’ schedules and enables lasting improvement.

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Should Leaders Apologize? Sorry, but Research Says Maybe Not.

These days, it seems like once a week, some public figure or another is making a controversial statement that’s met by many with demands for apologies and/or consequences. And general consensus would argue that, when a leader—corporate, political, or otherwise—realizes he or she has made an insensitive statement, a sincere apology is in order to…

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Reskilling and Upskilling: A Primer

In all the buzz about the future of work, there are two terms we hear over and over: reskilling and upskilling. As in “Businesses will need to reskill their employees as automation changes the nature of their jobs.” Or “In today’s tight labor market, employees are looking for jobs that support their ongoing development, so…

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What Is Executive Presence, and Can it Be Learned?

“Executive presence.” It’s one of those buzzwords we hear all the time when we’re discussing leadership abilities, and at a high level, it makes sense. But when it comes time to break down exactly what executive presence (much less talk about how to develop it), it’s not so easy. But executive presence isn’t just some…

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Beyond Compliance Training: Learning & Development in Finance

Updated July 8, 2024- Traditionally, learning and development of any kind has a bit of a bad rap. Being required to attend on-the-job training sounds about as exciting—and useful—as sitting through a defensive driving course. Amidst the escalating 2024 global talent shortage, projected to leave 75% of employers struggling to find the skills they need,…

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The YouTube Voice: How to Speak Like a YouTube Star

The YouTube voice. You can hear it in your head, can’t you? In fact, you’re probably using it to read this paragraph. Your inner voice suddenly sounds uncannily like Hank Green. As YouTube has evolved from an artistic repository of classics like “Charlie Bit My Finger” and “Harry Potter Puppet Pals” into a platform where…

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