How will presentation assessments help me become a better speaker?

While traditional public speaking coaches and content advisors are certainly valuable, we find the data-driven approach to presentation assessment is even more effective in helping our clients become better communicators.
Here are the three primary advantages of data-driven presentation assessments:
- Presentation assessments are objective
The feedback most speakers receive on their communications is driven by opinions. And, while these coaches or advisors may be experts in their fields, the subjective nature of their feedback makes it difficult to pinpoint exactly what went wrong (or right), and how one presentation stacks up to another you gave somewhere else. By conducting data-driven presentation assessments, we can objectively track your strengths and development opportunities across all prior speaking engagements, identifying which of those development opportunities are unique to certain settings, and which ones are problems across the board. This allows us to create coaching plans that identify exactly what you need to focus on to achieve the highest impact for your effort.
- Presentation assessments are efficient
Say you’re in charge of creating the shortlist of candidates to replace your company’s CFO when she retires next year, and you want to make sure your contenders are excellent public speakers. Or your CEO’s internal presentations never go over quite as well as his conference keynotes and he asks you to help him understand why. Or you want to evaluate a whole classful of incoming EMBA students to get a sense of how much you’ll need to work with them on presentation skills throughout the semester. Rather than evaluate each speaker one at a time, you can use data-driven presentation assessments to upload as many sample presentations as you want. Then, in a matter of days, you’ll be able to see an overview of each speaker’s skills.
- Presentation assessments make it easy to track performance over time.
Our involvement with clients doesn’t end after one presentation assessment and coaching session. By measuring your next presentations in the same way we measured the first, we can show you exactly how much you’ve improved over time. We find this data-driven event tracking can do so much more for confidence-building than subjective feedback, because you can see the effect of your effort in response to your efforts right away. While a traditional coach can say you did a good job, we can give you proof.
Read more on presentation assessments from Quantified Communications.
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