How to Boost Pharma Sales AI Training with AI Insights

Pharmaceutical sales opportunities are notoriously high stakes. With current trends suggesting that healthcare practitioners (HCPs) will continue to cut back on the amount of time devoted to one-on-one meetings with sales reps, every nuance of each interaction carries significant weight. In response, forward-thinking corporate decision-makers nationwide are turning to cutting-edge pharma sales AI training to…

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6 Mistakes To Avoid With AI Pharma Sales Training Simulations

While not all organizations operate the same way, there are some all-too-familiar statistics that arise in the sales industry. Consider the following common occurrences. Workplaces that don’t provide employee training suffer. There’s a lot of turnover from employees who go elsewhere to grow their careers. Employees who stay suffer from burnout, and productivity grows lower…

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Elevating Video Introductions With AI Sales Training 

Modern video is a transformative tool in today’s workplace. AI-powered sales training leverages video technology to revolutionize how companies generate leads, engage with potential clients, and create excitement for their products and services. Whether your sales representatives are participating in virtual meetings, sharing pre-recorded content on social media, or connecting through personalized video messages, AI-enhanced…

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Why Traditional Sales Role Play Falls Short

The internet is full of statistics that demonstrate how vital sales training is. Whether you’re measuring the productivity of each agent, the total ROI of training initiatives, or the percentage increase of closed-won deals, training makes a sizeable difference. The trick is identifying which training methods are contributing to increases and, whenever possible, which training…

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Sales Role-Play Scenarios That Help Your Sales Team Succeed

“Practice makes perfect” is a common saying for good reason. Practice aids in information retrieval, muscle memory, confidence, and dozens of other factors that impact the performance of virtually any task. However, it might be more accurate to say “practice makes practiced,” even if it’s less catchy.  After all, if people are practicing the wrong…

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How AI Sales Coaching Platforms Help Sales Teams in a Dynamic Market

An AI sales coaching platform is an important tool. Many sales organizations already understand that better, more accessible, and more tailored training offers benefits. But it’s not enough to just know that new learning and development initiatives grant some degree of advantage. True understanding comes from specifically how it can help your team. Here’s a…

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Realistic Sales Training with AI Simulators: The Power of Immersion

Traditional sales training is hitting a roadblock. It may still provide sound fundamental skills to sales agents new to the profession or your organization, but it’s not designed for a modern workforce or modern buyers requiring individualized approaches. It’s part of the reason why companies spend millions every year on sales training with varying levels…

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Learning From Success: 5 Strategies to Level Up Your SKOs

A sales kickoff (SKO) sets the tone for big projects, campaigns, or annual strategies. However, SKOs can come with a high price tag of approximately $2,500 to $5,500 per attendee as of 2021. That makes it even more important to provide as much value as possible during every minute of the SKO.  But this doesn’t…

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Certification in the Digital Age: How Tech Accelerates the Process

In a landscape where customer demands and market dynamics constantly evolve, certified salespersons are better equipped to adapt, innovate, and drive revenue growth for the company. According to a recent Axelos study, 97% of decision-makers and 84% of individuals say certification adds value in the workplace, bringing higher efficiency and employee satisfaction.   The 21st century…

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