How AI-Powered Sales Coaches Can Transform Training Programs

While many organizations know the value of training—with companies spending over $70 billion in sales training alone—the focus on coaching is much less clear. Some organizations don’t have coaching at all due to limited trainer availability or discomfort in giving feedback. Others opt for in-person or manual feedback, which can be time intensive, arbitrary, or…

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How AI Can Improve Your Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Certification Program

Executive Summary The US pharmaceutical sales industry made $53.6 billion in revenue in 2023—but despite that high number, only 41% of Americans have a degree of trust in pharmaceutical companies. This presents a significant opportunity for sales organizations to grow by enhancing their sales reps’ training programs. This article explores how AI pharmaceutical certifications can…

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5 Predictions: The Impact of Generative AI on Sales in 2024

If your business has been around long enough, you likely remember the days of sales in the field, knocking on doors and pounding pavement to drum up leads. Over the years, however, there have been innovations and transformations in how your sales teams cold call, nurture, present to, and close new customers. You’re not pounding…

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Can AI Coaching Platforms Actually Boost Sales Performance? Here’s What the Data Says

In today’s ever-changing sales environment, professional coaching has risen to become a core need across industries. For organizations, better-coached employees lead to improved performance and productivity that drives a strong ROI.  Meanwhile, workers across all skill levels now expect regular coaching from their employers.Rapid advancements in technology, market trends, and customer expectations require workers to…

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10 Sales Role Play Scenarios to Help Your Team Get (And Stay) Sales Ready

Executive Summary Continuous improvement and adaptability are essential for maintaining a competitive edge in sales. This article presents 10 impactful sales role-play scenarios designed to keep your sales team sharp and effective. It also underscores the rising importance of virtual sales meetings, offering a bonus scenario to master these interactions. Key Takeaways: By incorporating these…

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businessman-pointing b2b digital screen

Is B2B Sales AI Ready to Take Off?

Artificial intelligence has been transforming businesses for years, but the transformation accelerated in December 2022 when ChatGPT opened the doors to a user-friendly generative AI. Since then, companies have incorporated AI into everything from internal communications to client-facing messages to productivity tools. Properly managed, AI tools have a home in marketing, finance, production, and even…

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sales rep coaching

Beyond the Battle Card: Training Your Reps to Go Up Against a New Competitor

Your sales team is underskilled—especially when going up against the competition. At least, that’s what the people training them say. According to a recent report from McKinsey, 55% of surveyed sales leaders said only half of their sales force has the required capabilities.  It will take significant skill development to drive revenue, especially when facing…

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Is AI for Sales Calls Training the Next Breakthrough?

Is AI for Sales Calls Training the Next Breakthrough?

The effectiveness of a company’s sales force has historically had a major, if not decisive, impact on its ability to grow its revenues, profits, and market share. Although recent years have seen significant changes in the ways buyers approach their purchasing decisions, effective selling remains an indispensable key to marketplace success. In today’s increasingly challenging…

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