What We’re Reading at QC: Vanessa Van Edwards’ CAPTIVATE

At Quantified Communications, we love reading Vanessa Van Edwards’ research on interpersonal relationships, from the professional to the personal, and we were thrilled to receive an advance copy of her upcoming book, Captivate.
Have you ever felt like a fish out of water? Like a crowded networking event was the last place you wanted to be? Like you just couldn’t figure out how to relate to someone? Vanessa Van Edwards knows how you feel — and she knows how to fix it.
A social behavior expert, founder of the Science of People research lab, and self-proclaimed recovering awkward person, Van Edwards has spent years studying what makes people tick. Now, she’s dishing out the secret sauce.
In her new book, Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People, Van Edwards outlines 14 scientific behavior hacks to help you decode anyone you meet, work even the most crowded room, and get great results by leveraging your unique people skills and bringing out the best in others.
Reading Van Edwards’ book feels like having a conversation with your socially savvy best friend. She shares countless personal stories, from the embarrassing to the fabulous, and boils her research down into clear, entertaining nuggets as she takes readers step-by-step through the science and strategy behind each hack. She even includes fun exercises at the end of each chapter, to help readers start applying her lessons to their own lives right away.
From dinner parties to networking events, first dates to performance reviews, Captivate is the tool we all need to make the most of every interaction and every relationship.