Quantified Communications
What does “Quantified Communications” mean?
To define Quantified Communications, a term coined by Quantified Impressions, let’s start with the facts:
- Communications pervade our personal and professional lives. Research shows that 80% of our waking hours are spent communicating.
- Communication technologies give us the capability to communicate at any time, wherever we are, with any kind of audience. The exponential growth of information access impacts the performance and reputation of companies, organizations, brands, and individuals
- Our world is increasingly data-driven. New movements like the Quantified Self are applying new insight, research, and analytical tools to a range of human behavior, from sleep to daily activity to personal genetics
By combining analytics and technology, we can dramatically improve our ability to communicate with others. Communication, like all important areas of human behavior, requires a conscious effort to ensure performance excellence. Performance improvement relies on regularly collected data to provide continuous feedback about performance.
That’s what Quantified Communications is: data-driven measurement, analytics and feedback to improve personal, professional, and organizational communications. Quantified Communications holds the promise of re-inventing meetings, presentations, and even conversations and creating a more connected, interactive world.