10 Sales Role Play Scenarios to Help Your Team Get (And Stay) Sales Ready

Executive Summary Continuous improvement and adaptability are essential for maintaining a competitive edge in sales. This article presents 10 impactful sales role-play scenarios designed to keep your sales team sharp and effective. It also underscores the rising importance of virtual sales meetings, offering a bonus scenario to master these interactions. Key Takeaways: By incorporating these…

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How to Be Effective With Remote Sales Training

How to Be Effective With Remote Sales Training

While remote work was a quick solution to pandemic-related quarantining and social distancing efforts, it reflected a then-already emerging trend in the workplace toward hybrid and WFH options. Today, it’s become fully normalized, and 85% of managers expect remote work to be here to stay permanently. For many businesses, it’s time to stop debating if…

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businessman-pointing b2b digital screen

Is B2B Sales AI Ready to Take Off?

Artificial intelligence has been transforming businesses for years, but the transformation accelerated in December 2022 when ChatGPT opened the doors to a user-friendly generative AI. Since then, companies have incorporated AI into everything from internal communications to client-facing messages to productivity tools. Properly managed, AI tools have a home in marketing, finance, production, and even…

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sales rep coaching

Beyond the Battle Card: Training Your Reps to Go Up Against a New Competitor

Your sales team is underskilled—especially when going up against the competition. At least, that’s what the people training them say. According to a recent report from McKinsey, 55% of surveyed sales leaders said only half of their sales force has the required capabilities.  It will take significant skill development to drive revenue, especially when facing…

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How Mock Sales Call Exercises Should Fit in Your Sales Training Program

How Mock Sales Call Exercises Should Fit in Your Sales Training Program

Cold calls are almost universally hated—in fact, 63% of salespeople call them the worst part of the job. Of course, sales reps have to do more than cold calling. There are follow-up calls, sales demos, calls for retaining relationships, and (especially for key accounts) calls for customer support. Calls remain one of the most important…

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5 Tips for Training Your Sales Team to Practice Sales Calls

Sales skills take practice. But having new—or even experienced—reps practice sales calls on hard-won qualified leads or referrals can make anyone balk: what if the call goes badly? It’s not just the sale on the line; it’s also your business’s reputation. At the same time, giving reps cold leads to practice on can quickly burn…

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Stop Promoting Your Best Sales Reps to Managers—Here’s Why

Stop Promoting Your Best Sales Reps to Managers—Here’s Why

Top sellers are the backbone of your sales team. Leadership teams want to replicate that talent and disperse those skills among other reps. So it makes logical sense to promote your top sellers, right? Not exactly. There’s a name for this—the “Peter Principle.” We promote based on people’s success in their current role without considering…

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How to Upskill Your Sales Team with On Demand Role-Play Simulations

Today’s marketplace and technological landscapes are marked by constant change. Rapid advancements in technology, new entrants into the competitive arena, and quickly evolving expectations and demands from customers all contribute to a selling environment in which the challenges sales organizations face seem to increase almost daily. As a result, selling skills that were once top-of-the-line…

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A Guide to Building a High-Performing Sales Team

In today’s difficult selling environment, a company’s marketplace success depends more than ever on having an effective sales force. Customers have become more sophisticated and demanding in their approach to purchasing. For example, with modern technology providing access to many channels for gaining information about the products and services they need, buyers often start comparing…

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4-Step Action Plan to Improve Sales Leadership Skills

4-Step Action Plan to Improve Sales Leadership Skills

Chief sales officers and other sales leaders across the B2B and B2C industries are struggling to find sales professionals with the skills to achieve organizational revenue goals. In fact, 67% of CSOs in a recent Gartner survey identified acquiring talent as one of their top challenges.  By and large, companies have identified two approaches for…

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