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Unlock Leadership Development Success by Fostering a Growth Mindset Within Your Organization

Your organization is fully committed to leadership development. You understand the benefits of retaining top talent and developing high-potentials into leaders, and you’ve invested in innovative, proven systems to help your organization’s current and future leaders develop the skills they need to drive long-term business success. And yet, your business still isn’t seeing results—in terms…

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Edelman 2020 Trust Barometer

In Today’s Climate, Should CEOs Speak Out on Political Issues?

Conventional wisdom may suggest brands are wise to keep politics out of business. But a growing trend in CEO activism and a spate of recent research finding that consumers may actually want corporate leaders to get involved indicate that, in today’s climate, mixing business and politics might just be a savvy choice.

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Building Leadership Habits in the New Year

Research has found that it takes approximately sixty-six days to build a habit. That is, it takes just over two months for a new behavior to become second nature. So think about that as you plan out your new year’s resolutions. Whether you’re committing to hit the gym regularly, drink eight glasses of water a…

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How—and Why—to Turn Employees into Lifelong Learners

We’re hearing a lot of buzz lately about preparing employees for the “future of work.” Here at Quantified, we’ve weighed in once or twice on the importance of providing quality training and development opportunities for employees, ensuring they have the skills required to continue helping the company grow—but also encouraging long-term loyalty and engagement.

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Reskilling and Upskilling: A Primer

In all the buzz about the future of work, there are two terms we hear over and over: reskilling and upskilling. As in “Businesses will need to reskill their employees as automation changes the nature of their jobs.” Or “In today’s tight labor market, employees are looking for jobs that support their ongoing development, so…

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Beyond Compliance Training: Learning & Development in Finance

Updated July 8, 2024- Traditionally, learning and development of any kind has a bit of a bad rap. Being required to attend on-the-job training sounds about as exciting—and useful—as sitting through a defensive driving course. Amidst the escalating 2024 global talent shortage, projected to leave 75% of employers struggling to find the skills they need,…

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To Retain Top Employees, Give Them the Tools They Need to Succeed

There’s no two ways about it: employee retention is a critical driver of a financially healthy organization. Retaining talent isn’t easy, but research has shown that the cost of replacing just one employee can soar to nine months of that single employee’s salary, and Gallup has found that turnover among millennials alone costs the US…

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Leveraging Big Data in Higher Education

Here at Quantified, we spend a lot of time thinking and talking about how organizations can use big data to drive improvement—not only in leadership communication skills (though certainly in that regard) but in operations, back-office processes, customer relations, and, ultimately, the bottom line.

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The Future of Work: Humans and Machines

Once upon a time, artificial intelligence was just a vague, futuristic possibility. But today, it’s a real player in business, and it’s already transforming the way we work. For example, The World Economic Forum reports that AI handled about 29 percent of the tasks across twelve industries last year and LinkedIn predicts that 62 percent of search and…

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