Sales Struggle: 5 Common Sales Team Challenges and how to fix them

5 Common Sales Team Challenges and How to Fix Them

In ‘The Sales Struggle: 5 Common Sales Team Challenges and How to Fix Them,’ we examine the key obstacles hindering sales teams and provide actionable solutions to enhance performance and morale. Learn how to address issues like poor communication, lack of motivation, and more to ensure your sales team operates at its peak. Discover essential strategies to drive success and cohesion within your team.

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9 Must-Have Communication Skills for Sales Representatives in 2022

Communication Skills for Sales Representatives Have Evolved There is no doubt that selling changed forever following the pandemic. And when the channels change, the critical skills for sales representatives also change. Although some skills like adaptability remain over time, others – perhaps overlooked and difficult to measure in the past – have taken center stage…

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Can Digital Technologies Make Us Better Humans?

Much of the hesitation we see around embracing digital technologies in our workplaces, homes, vehicles, social lives, etc. stem from the fear that artificial intelligence and its digital siblings will ultimately automate away human purpose — it will take away our jobs, our agency, and even our need to communicate with one another. At Quantified, we…

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The New Science of Training Sales Reps

When it comes to satisfaction at work, the ability to achieve our individual and collective goals is paramount. For many professionals and teams, however, the biggest obstacle to those achievements is the lack of opportunity to develop and hone the skills that are foundational to success.

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AI Will Never Replace Human Interaction…But It Can Dramatically Enhance It

As artificial intelligence has spread from industry to industry, automating some jobs entirely and transforming others, it’s brought two big, scary myths along with it. First, that it will take away all our white-collar jobs, leaving business analysts, hedge fund managers, doctors, and lawyers unemployed and adrift. Second, that it will wipe out humans’ need…

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How Are Data and AI Enhancing Pharmaceutical Field Forces?

A year after the pandemic forced pharma reps to switch suddenly from in-person to virtual sales calls, sales teams across the pharmaceutical industry are considering how to move back to in-person promotion. As the first wave of the pandemic peaked, in-person selling dropped to just 8% of all promotional activity. The good news, according to…

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The Definitive Guide to Virtual Sales Success

In 2020, sales organizations navigating the COVID-19 pandemic underwent a seismic shift in how they engaged customers, led teams, and managed performance. Offices were closed to staffers, home became the sales cube and sales presentations and customer meetings were moved to the videoconferencing “table.”

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Webinar Recap: High-Performance Selling in a Virtual World

The Quantified team has been hyper focused on helping organizations become more effective virtual communicators — first as we transitioned into all remote, all the time and now as we move toward a new hybrid and largely virtual normal. Some of the biggest challenges have been for sales and revenue teams. Reps are competing for tech-tired…

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10 Ways to have Better Video Calls with Prospects Every Time

Selling in a virtual world is challenging. For reps who thrive in person, gone are the days of meeting prospects at conferences, dinners, and golf outings. Now, high-value solutions are sold over video calls. Even for reps accustomed to virtual sales, the very real phenomenon of Zoom fatigue means the competition for the buyer’s attention…

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