Searching for a Sales Role-Play and Coaching Platform?

Compare Quantified with others and see why we win every time.

There are plenty of sales coaching platforms on the market, but today’s sales training has evolved with new technologies that weren’t fathomable even a decade ago. Adding or changing up a sales coaching solution is an investment in time, money, and trust. Make sure you choose the right one.

What Works…and Why It’s Not Always Possible

While sales coaching technologies and capabilities may have changed, a few tried-and-true coaching strategies will always reign as best practices. So why are they so hard to implement?

solutions executivecommunication speakercoaching

Role Play

Role playing is perhaps the most effective method for training salespeople to be game-ready before they go live with a customer. But sales reps typically dislike role playing with their managers and sales managers often don’t have the time to engage in 1:1 role play with each sales rep.

solutions executivecommunication eventkeynote

Frequent Practice

There is no such thing as too much practice, and the more sales reps can practice their skills, the better and more confident they become. Unfortunately, without a way to practice regularly or oversight to enforce it, most reps get their practice in front of the customer.

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Personalized Scoring, Feedback & Coaching

Countless studies have shown the value of personalizing sales rep development, as most people want to know specifically what they do well and where and how they need to improve. The majority of sales coaching tools and techniques are too general to engage reps, much less develop them, and too manual for managers to update regularly.

coach up every rep

Quantified and Everyone Else

When comparing sales coaching platforms, it is essential to look for solutions that enable the three above sales coaching pillars. Quantified not only makes these strategies more accessible, but we use the latest behavioral science and generative AI to make them engaging, highly effective, and scalable.

AI Simulations for Role Play & Practice

Generative artificial intelligence has taken role play to another level. While some platforms offer AI simulations, only Quantified offers hyper-realistic, video-based, AI simulations with truly human-like avatars trained on customer training materials and made conversational with generative AI (GPT4). The customized avatar gets smarter with every practice session and prepares reps for actual sales call conversations.

Meet our AI-generated avatars. Welcome to the next generation of sales training.

Compare our AI simulated avatar with anyone else’s

objectively measure success

Detailed Skills Assessment

Reps need to know their capabilities, yet many platforms only analyze how well a rep memorized a script. Only Quantified looks at 1,400 behaviors across messaging, communication skills, and sales capabilities. Reps see exactly where they excel and where they need to focus their training.

AI Coaching & Feedback

Objective feedback and targeted coaching are proven to be effective, but as organizations grow, providing this value is impossible. Quantified provides detailed feedback on each live, recorded, or simulated performance and personalized, online AI coaching tracks so reps can learn, practice again, and remeasure repeatedly until skills meet benchmarks.

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Onboarding Skill Development

Onboarding reps fast is a top priority for sales leaders, so it’s critical to make it easy for new reps to learn and get up to speed. Quantified provides an automated, scalable, accessible way for reps to get educated and learn sales call best practices quickly without having to have a manager or coach hold their hands at every step.

Upleveling Skill Development

If 20% of your reps close 80% of deals, wouldn’t you like to know their secrets and share them with underperformers? Quantified offers managers deep insights into what makes top reps successful so they can replicate those winning skills across their teams. With Quantified, you can uplevel every rep so they’re more successful, which makes the enterprise more profitable.

certify your reps at scale
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Analytics & Insights to Improve Skills at Rep, Team, and Organizational Level

Generalized instruction leads to average improvements. Quantified gives sales managers and coaches the ability to see who needs support and focus their efforts on precisely where they can be most effective. Every rep gets the individualized coaching they need when they need it most, and leaders can improve teams one rep at a time.

Certification, Gamification & Leaderboards

Role playing, practice, and training are usually disliked by both reps and managers. Only Quantified makes it motivating and rewarding throughout the skill development process. From role play with an avatar and understanding your performance in detail to practicing only what needs improvement and challenging yourself to progress past peers, we make it fun to learn.

personal sales coach
conversation skills

Easy Implementation

Overhauling a sales coaching process can be intimidating, so a solution shouldn’t be complicated to set up and use. Quantified helps every step of the way, educating your avatar and the system with your sales data so it becomes your database of training materials. If there’s a question your avatar can’t answer in a simulated call, we flag it and train it on the answer.

Integrations with Existing Business Systems

It’s important to have any sales coaching platform integrated into your and your reps’ workflows and systems so the experience is seamless and the technology is smart. Quantified integrates with your existing SalesTech stack, LMS, and HCM systems, operating in the flow of work.


Quantified Is Trusted by the World’s Most Admired Organizations

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See how behavioral science, experiential learning, realistic simulations, and AI work together to enable more effective, frequent practice and coaching for better performance.

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