6 Mistakes You Can Avoid With AI Pharma Sales Training Simulations

While not all organizations operate the same way, there are some all-too-familiar statistics that arise in the sales industry. Consider the following common occurrences. Workplaces that don’t provide employee training suffer. There’s a lot of turnover from employees who go elsewhere to grow their careers. Employees who stay suffer from burnout, and productivity grows lower…

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Elevating Video Introductions With AI Sales Training 

Modern video is a powerful medium in today’s work environments. It’s a technology that’s transforming the way companies generate leads, connect with prospective clients, and build enthusiasm for their products and services. But whether your sales reps are participating in virtual meetings, uploading pre-recorded content to social media, connecting through video voicemail, or posting personalized…

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Sales Role-Play Scenarios That Help Your Sales Team Succeed

“Practice makes perfect” is a common saying for good reason. Practice aids in information retrieval, muscle memory, confidence, and dozens of other factors that impact the performance of virtually any task. However, it might be more accurate to say “practice makes practiced,” even if it’s less catchy.  After all, if people are practicing the wrong…

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Simulator-Driven SKO Prep: Boosting Readiness and Confidence

Sales kickoff (SKO) events address many different objectives, such as energizing the sales team, communicating goals, and keeping everyone up to date on product releases. Education is one of the top seven objectives behind a well-run SKO event. Traditionally, this training would take the form of hands-on demos and in-person role-play scenarios. However, conventional sales…

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businessman-pointing b2b digital screen

Is B2B Sales AI Ready to Take Off?

Artificial intelligence has been transforming businesses for years, but the transformation accelerated in December 2022 when ChatGPT opened the doors to a user-friendly generative AI. Since then, companies have incorporated AI into everything from internal communications to client-facing messages to productivity tools. Properly managed, AI tools have a home in marketing, finance, production, and even…

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How to Upskill Your Sales Team with Role-Play Simulations

Today’s marketplace and technological landscapes are marked by constant change. Rapid advancements in technology, new entrants into the competitive arena, and quickly evolving expectations and demands from customers all contribute to a selling environment in which the challenges sales organizations face seem to increase almost daily. As a result, selling skills that were once top-of-the-line…

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A Guide to Building a High-Performing Sales Team

In today’s difficult selling environment, a company’s marketplace success depends more than ever on having an effective sales force. Customers have become more sophisticated and demanding in their approach to purchasing. For example, with modern technology providing access to many channels for gaining information about the products and services they need, buyers often start comparing…

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7 Tips for Hitting Your Sales Efficiency Targets

7 Tips for Hitting Your Sales Efficiency Targets

In 2022, over 20% of surveyed sales leaders listed leveraging their company CRM as a top priority for the year ahead. But what does this goal actually look like? How can you measure it? How do you know if it’s the right goal to prioritize in the first place?  Setting sales goals is an important…

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8 Ways ChatGPT Can Help to Improve Sales Skills and Knowledge

8 Ways ChatGPT Can Help to Improve Sales Skills and Knowledge

According Salesforce’s 2023 “State of Sales” report, today’s selling environment is particularly challenging: almost 70% of sales professionals say that selling is harder now than it used to be. As the report notes, the sales landscape has become “both more competitive and resource constrained” due to factors such as supply chain disruptions, global inflation, and…

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