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How Great Companies Communicate Earnings During a Crisis

There’s no denying the economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis. With the stock market plummeting at a record pace, events being cancelled across the globe, and small and large businesses shutting their doors for the foreseeable future, unfortunately, it’s a good bet that financial reports for Q1 and Q2—at least—will be concerning for many companies.…

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In the Midst of COVID-19 Uncertainty, Trusted Leadership Is Critical

by Melanie Meador & Noah Zandan The novel coronavirus (aka COVID-19) continues to spread at an alarming pace, shutting down small businesses, moving classrooms and offices online, and (somewhat inexplicably) sending toilet paper flying off grocery shelves. But conflicting information, misinformation, and uncertainty are spreading as fast as the virus itself, stirring up anxiety and…

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Communicating from the Hot Seat: Responding to Public Criticism & Tough Questions

Since his election, Donald Trump has singled out several U.S. companies for criticism. Considering the immediate effect of his condemnations on those companies’ stock prices, we turned to executive communication expert Briar Goldberg for insights on how organizations and their leaders should prepare to respond any time they get called out — in the business arena…

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Samsung’s Galaxy Note7 Apology Rings Loud and Clear

Samsung’s much-anticipated Galaxy Note7 went on sale this summer. The Android smartphone promised to be the ultimate showcase of Samsung’s design capabilities, with features including a 5.7-inch screen, stylus, and exploding batteries.

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crisis communications corporate vs government

Trust us – We’re the government

A comparison of crisis communications in corporate America vs. the U.S. government Hours after posting our crisis communications analysis on Theranos, I received a letter from the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) indicating I was one of 21.5M people whose personal information was lost in a security breach. There were many other companies…

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